Whilst you can pretty much produce a decent cup of coffee with any brew method, some methods are more suitable for enhancing the flavour profile within a particular style of coffee. Our Organic Dark Roast encompasses a dark flavour profile boasting rich tasting notes of bittersweet chocolate and lingering caramel tones. When brewing our Organic Dark Roast, a better cup of coffee will be brewed when you choose a method that is designed to accentuate these big, bold flavours - espresso machine, stovetop, or the plunger/french press. Espresso Machine One highly recommended method for brewing our Organic Dark Roast is the...
The taste and aroma of your favourite Three Llamas Coffee beverage is majorly impacted by the degree of roast of the coffee beans (i.e how light or dark roasted bean is). In coffee drinks brewed from lighter roasts, the flavours from the bean dominate with fruity/acidic flavours being accentuated, producing a complex and vibrant cup reflecting the origin of the coffee bean. Whereas, in coffee brewed from darker roasts, the flavours of the coffee roaster dominate - producing a richer and heavier cup, with dark toasty notes such as bittersweet chocolate, smokiness, burnt caramel, nuts, or even ashiness. These coffees...
We need coffee. Coffee can bring us that little moment of happiness, giving us the boost/nudge/strength to face the day and challenges ahead. So why then does that latte from your new home espresso machine just not quite taste right (or possibly outright disappointing)?
In this article we will look into the reasons why and how to make your morning coffee as delicious as it can be.